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Customer Success Stories

Shukla Medical

Shukla Medical usa la sua stampante Markforged Metal X per creare i prototipi di strumenti chirurgici per chirurghi affinchè vengano testati prima della produzione
Customer Success Stories


Wärtsilä ha utilizzato la sua stampante Markforged X7 per creare il primo strumento di sollevamento al mondo con certificazione CE stampato in 3D
Application Spotlights

Siemens Innovation Center: Cutback Tool

Engineers at the Siemens Innovation Center were tasked with finding a better way to maintain turbines that could help reduce offsite repairs and costly downtime.
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Additive Manufacturing with Composites in Aerospace and Defense

Jordan Weininger dell'Advanced Composites Office della Hill Air Force Base condivide le conoscenze sulle applicazioni DoD della produzione additiva.
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Meduna: Copper Induction Coils

3Dwiser, partner di Markforged, ha stampato delle bobine di induzione in rame per il suo cliente Meduna
Application Spotlights

Cabin Management Solutions: Onyx FR Cabin Manager Unit Cover

Instead of using traditional manufacturing solutions, the Cabin Management Solutions team utilized its Markforged 3D printers to replace low-volume, high-value parts for aircrafts at lower costs and accelerated lead times.
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Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM) 3D Printing Strategies

Increase yield and reduce manufacturing costs with design for additive manufacturing principles
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Additive Manufacturing in Education: UMass Amherst ADDFab

Dave Follette is the head of the ADDFab (Advanced Digital Design and Fabrication Core Facility) facility at UMass Amherst.
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Equipping Students with a Best-in-Class Additive Manufacturing Platform

Learn why nearly 1000 schools and universities worldwide currently run on Markforged solutions and how a growing number of students are graduating prepared for 21st-century careers.
Customer Success Stories

Siemens Energy Innovation Center

L'esclusivo centro di innovazione Siemens Energy in Florida è stato incaricato di trovare un modo migliore per manutenzionare le turbine che potrebbe aiutare a ridurre le riparazioni fuori sede e i costosi tempi morti.