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Application Spotlights

PTZ: Copper Tool Cooler

La società tedesca PTZ ha creato un raffreddatore di utensili in rame stampato in 3D utilizzando la tecnologia Markforged.
Application Spotlights

Guhring UK: Groove Milling Cutter

Guhring UK ha supportato il suo cliente XCEL Aerospace stampando una fresa per scanalature utilizzando l'acciaio per utensili H13.
Application Spotlights

Siemens Innovation Center: Cutback Tool

Engineers at the Siemens Innovation Center were tasked with finding a better way to maintain turbines that could help reduce offsite repairs and costly downtime.
Application Spotlights

Meduna: Copper Induction Coils

3Dwiser, partner di Markforged, ha stampato delle bobine di induzione in rame per il suo cliente Meduna
Application Spotlights

Cabin Management Solutions: Onyx FR Cabin Manager Unit Cover

Instead of using traditional manufacturing solutions, the Cabin Management Solutions team utilized its Markforged 3D printers to replace low-volume, high-value parts for aircrafts at lower costs and accelerated lead times.
Application Spotlights Customer Success Stories

Siemens Gas & Power, Orlando

Siemens Gas & Power division printed a custom circular saw housing in Onyx to repair gas turbines in the field, combining off-the-shelf parts such as the motor and blade.
Application Spotlights

Lean Machine CNC and Metal Fab: Vise and Soft Jaws

Lean Machine ha unito oltre due dozzine di parti rinforzate in fibra di carbonio continua con componenti disponibili sul mercato per la loro morsa resistente e le ganasce morbide
Application Spotlights

Haddington Dynamics: 7-Axis Robotic Arm

Haddington Dynamics stampa in 3D la maggior parte del suo braccio robotico Dexter, riducendo il numero di parti da 800 a meno di 70.
Application Spotlights

Brooks Automation: Functional Prototype End Effectors

Brooks Automation prints continuous carbon fiber reinforced end effector prototypes that allow them to rapidly iterate without sending out parts to a 3rd party manufacturer.
Application Spotlights Customer Success Stories

Arrow Global

The Mark Two helps Arow Global expand their heavy duty prototyping process with inexpensive, strong 3D printed parts.