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AM Friday Ep. 7 — How to Drive Additive Manufacturing Adoption in Your Company

Rolling out additive manufacturing is hard—lack of change management, significant skill gaps, and a trial and error based approach slow adoption and decrease the impact of additive manufacturing in organizations. This week on AM Friday, Daniel Leong and Tripp Burd from the Markforged enterprise team will discuss ways to successfully implement 3D printers in your company.
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AM Friday Ep. 8 — Hands-on Experience with the Markforged X7 Printer

Want to get up close and personal with an industrial grade 3D printer? In this episode, Nick and Daniel will be taking you on a detailed tour through the X7, talking about its features, strengths, and constraints.
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Top 10 Fastest-Growing Technology Company and Next Billion-Dollar Startup

From Deloitte's "2018 North America Technology Fast 500" List to Forbes' "The Next Billion-Dollar Startups 2018” list‍, Markforged is being recognized everywhere
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This Assistive Technology Trio Are Improving Lives with 3D Printers

How a team of dedicated people used 3D printing for assistive technology
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The Strongest 3D Printed Threads

Threaded components, holes, and bolted connections are integral to a wide variety of engineering parts that you work with every day. The right type of threaded connection can make or break your 3D printed part, so in this webinar we’ll cover the strengths and weaknesses of different types of threads you can add to your parts.
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How to Ensure Part Success

Senior Content Engineer Alex Crease talks about part success and shares strategies on how to make sure that printed parts function as they should.
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Selecting the Right Fiber

Senior Content Engineer Alex Crease runs this gameshow-style webinar on how to select the right fiber for your 3D printing application.
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The Basics of Effective Part Reinforcement

In this Markforged University Class, Content Engineer Alex Crease covers the basics of beam bending theory and how you can use it to configure your part reinforcement for optimal strength.
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Designing High Strength Workholding with Composite 3D Printing

The high strength and precision of Markforged composite 3D printed parts make them ideal for use in workholding and fixturing applications. Learn how the Continuous Filament Fabrication (CFF) process works to create durable, stiff plastic parts, why 3D printed parts from Markforged are more cost-effective than traditionally manufactured parts, and how to efficiently design and reinforce composite 3D printed workholding for use in manufacturing.
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Strategies for Successful Metal 3D Printing

With metal 3D printing gaining rapid momentum as an innovative manufacturing process, it’s important to understand how to identify best fit applications and techniques to produce optimal and repeatable parts. Join us for a live webinar with Senior Application Engineer Nick Sondej as he shares best practices to help you learn how to optimize your parts for successful metal 3D printing.