How To Use the Glue Stick on your Mark One Print Bed
Preparing The Print Bed
You must use the glue stick, or you risk damaging your print head, reduce the likelyhood of a successful print and make it harder to release the print when the build is complete.Video Player
Use the supplied glue stick to apply a thin layer of glue to the print bed. It’s water-soluble kids glue.
You can apply glue to the entire bed, or just where the part prints.If you apply a thin layer of glue, you can apply it before each print.If you notice glue buildup (an uneven, pitted looking surface) wash the residual glue from the bed with warm water and dry with a paper towel.The bed is waterproof. You can fully submerge the bed, and wash it thoroughly. Do not use a dishwasher.
Do not use soaps or other cleaners, as these may damage or leave residue on the bed
Before starting a print, ensure that the print bed is totally clean of plastic from any previous prints. Scrape off any plastic with the bed provided bed scraper.You can use warm water to wash old glue off the bed – avoid soap, it can damage the finish
Quick Tip
Use the provided glue stick to apply a thin layer of glue to the print bed where you intend to print. This will keep the part attached to the bed.
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