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Customer Success Stories

RPG Industries, Inc.

RPG Industries Inc. brought in a Metal X and Mark Two 3D printer to print tooling, replacement parts, and more.
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Panel Discussion: How Siemens, Dana, Würth and Vestas Tackle Supply Chain Challenges

These companies at the forefront of innovation in their respective industries are already driving change and value across their organizations with additive manufacturing.
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Virtual Factory Tour with Markforged Customer BlueZone

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Utensile terminale

Gli utensili terminali stampati in 3D sono forti ma leggeri, altamente conformi e possono essere rapidamente iterati a una frazione del costo degli utensili tradizionali.
Customer Success Stories

Caldwell Manufacturing

Caldwell Manufacturing utilized its Markforged printers for everything from R&D to low-volume production parts
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Introducing Markforged University ONLINE

Markforged University is now online, with students able to learn about additive manufacturing from the comfort of their homes or offices
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Q&A with Cashco

Learn how a 100-year old manufacturer retains skilled toolmakers and increases pay with President of Cashco, Clint Rogers
Application Spotlights

PTZ: Copper Tool Cooler

La società tedesca PTZ ha creato un raffreddatore di utensili in rame stampato in 3D utilizzando la tecnologia Markforged.
Application Spotlights

Guhring UK: Groove Milling Cutter

Guhring UK ha supportato il suo cliente XCEL Aerospace stampando una fresa per scanalature utilizzando l'acciaio per utensili H13.
Customer Success Stories

Cashco, Inc.

Cashco ha aumentato la propria capacità produttiva e ha reso felici i suoi attrezzisti con la stampante 3D X7